This morning I got an email from World Vision telling me about Girl Rising, a film that will be airing tomorrow on CNN. From watching the trailer it is obvious this film is going to raise a lot of awareness about how women and girls are treated in many parts of the world, and I am wrecked...
In the church world, in large part because to END IT, many are becoming aware and it's amazing to see what God is moving on the hearts of His people. And now with this film being aired on CNN, an even larger audience is going to see what has been happening on our watch as inhabitants of this planet. Outrage is the only logical response, and I am wrecked... I am wrecked because my heart hurts for the millions of precious girls who have no clue they were created for a purpose and they are passionately loved by the One Who Put The Stars Into Place. The world, both physical and spiritual, has declared war on them and hurled its worst in attempts to keep them from rising up... I am wrecked because Yahweh is a God of justice and I believe when people who do not know Him are exposed and outraged at this injustice, something in them will stir. We all were created in the image of God, which means somewhere in our DNA there is a longing for justice. Whether that desire has been awakened by the Holy Spirit or not is another thing, but what if, WHAT IF when someone who is far from God has that desire for justice touched for a split second, they become aware they were created for more... Created to connect to the One Who Made Them... I am wrecked because El Elyon, The God Most High, is a good God and in His kindness we are led closer to Him. But this world is full of accusations, lies, and abuse that try and drown out His voice of kindness. There are many who cannot discern His voice over the chaos of this world. I am wrecked because He is allowing me to play a role, even if it is a small role, in sharing His love to some of His most beloved creations held captive by the lies of the evil one... And out of being completely wrecked, never to be the same again, inside me springs a hope that leaves me speechless. You see, I am heading to Thailand in two months to look at a job possibility working with women who are coming out of prostitution, and honestly, for the most part I am overwhelmed. Then there are moments, like I experienced this morning, where I get a glimpse of clarity and remember God doesn't need me. There is no pressure for perfection. In fact, it's in my weakness that His glory is most seen. I am reminded of the slave girl God used Paul to set free, and I am wrecked. I am reminded of when Christ was here on earth and declared in the synagogue who He was, He used Isaiah 61.
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,
He has come to set the captives free...
And He allows me to be a part of His story, and for now, it looks like that may be taking place in Thailand, and I am wrecked...
What has God used in your life to wreck you? Or are you, like I was for so long, scared to let God touch the part of you heart that will wreck you because it can feel very scary...