My Reflection In His Eye...
My best friend has been telling me about a show called Touch. I didn't watch it until a couple days ago because I had enough shows I was watching and didn't need to get hooked on anything else. Then I noticed it was on Netflix, so I started watching while putting away laundry and I must admit, I didn't want to go anywhere. Instead I wanted to put my jammies back on, crawl into bed and watch the whole series in one sitting.
The show is good, but that's not necessarily what got me hooked. More than being well written and produced, it is a phenomenal soundtrack for a conversation with God. The premise of the show is there is a kid who won't speak or interact with people and the system keeps trying to label him as autistic. Well it turns out he sees the world in patterns that are tied to the order of the universe and when things are out of whack it physically hurts him. So his dad must help get things right, not only for his son, but also for the myriad of people involved.

It incorporates people from all over the world and does an incredible job depicting the beauty of different cultures and countries (another reason I'm hooked). So in one episode you can have people from 3 different continents all connected through a string of events and if one person isn't where they should be, then they are all effected. In essence the butterfly effect. But the twist of the show is how the kid knows what needs to happen and can predict how situations can be saved. So him and his dad must meet people and help them. They play an integral role. They are key to these people's lives and destinies. When I say the show is a great soundtrack to a conversation with God, I simply mean that while I'm watching the show, I talk to God about it and all the things happening. So when I first started watching it, I was reminded of the truth of how things are so delicately strung together. People's lives intersect in ways we may never know here on earth. And although the fictional part of the show is a kid can see and know how things ultimately interact, it is true that someone does. From my understanding of the Bible, God is so great that He sees all the details and orchestrates all things for the good of His followers. Life has shown us that not all the things that happen are good, but God can use even the deepest pain to bring life. So Friday, I was driving to work and just in awe of the reminder of how my God has everything under control. When I make a wrong turn and take the long way to Wal-Mart, He knew. When I screw up in a major way that hurts someone I love, He knew and in the way only He can, will use it for good. Keeping this in mind, it makes stressing out a lot harder because, if I believe what He says in His Word, then He has me. He has me... That sounds simple, but it is something we so often need to be reminded of. Our God has us. He knows all the details and events of our lives and works it all for our good. So even when we do wrong, even when wrong is done to us, even when crap just happens cuz we live in a fallen world, He has us....
Zechariah 2:8 says that God holds us as the apple of His eye. Being the daughter of a teacher, growing up whenever I heard that verse I would mentally picture all the apple trinkets people gave my mom. The verse never meant anything to me, until I was listening to Ravi Zacharias one day and he explained that the Hebrew term is "little maiden of my eye", which is talking about how when you are so close to someone you see your reflection in their eye. That is how close God holds us!!! We are the little maiden (or man) of His eye. We are so close to Him our reflection is ever present in His eyes. We often hear and in the Western Christian world there is often a focus on the importance of being so close to Him that we reflect His image. And yes, that is so true, but it's only half of it. Not only are we so close to God that He works through us and when our gaze is on Him, people see His reflection in our eye, but we are always so close to Him that our reflection is in His eye... It just blows me away that He loves us so much and is always keeping us close... I am so thankful God used a TV show to lavish His love on me and remind me that He has me. And He is good... We can trust however life goes, even when it hurts cuz He has us...