I have known Danee for years and have had the privilege of seeing her in action caring for and guiding children and parents to be their best. Danee has been gifted in a very special way that children are drawn to her and respond well to her. I have always admired her ability to see past a child’s behavior to see the inner struggle going on in a child’s heart. She has helped me focus on what matters when it comes to parenting. Danee has been and is a valuable resource to me, especially now that I am a stay at home mom.
When I’m struggling to work through some of the challenging behaviors that come with the wonderful world of toddlerhood, Danee is just a phone call away! The wisdom and suggestions she gives are practical and clear. I appreciate the way she presents her advice in a way that is not condensing and she doesn’t make me feel like I am failing at the difficult task of motherhood. She is like my own personal cheerleader and coach standing on the sidelines reminding me I am a great mom. And reminding me that the investment of providing structure and loving discipline that focuses on my child’s heart attitudes (versus only her behavior) will pay off. And I can have fun while parenting!
My 3 year old LOVES Danee! I highly recommend her expertise! Whatever the challenge...Danee to the rescue!
Cindy Buckler
Stay at home mother
Find out how Danee has helped other parents

I am blessed to say that Danee Dekonty was my nanny for 7 years, helping me to raise and guide my two daughters from newborn / 3 years old until the ages of
7 and 10. Danee was an invaluable
part of our family and gets a lot of
credit when my girls are
complimented on their solid good
manners and advanced people skills.
Danee is very knowledgeable, patient, and caring with kids and has a strong background in counseling that I think she draws on frequently both with the kids and sometimes with me as a parent.
She firmly stands on her promises, and the girls knew when she meant business because she was always consistent but fair in her rules and expectations. However, she is also fun, engaging, crafty, intuitive, and never too busy or too "adult" to get on the kids' level and have as much fun (or more) than the kids have!
When we were struggling with any emotional issues with the girls, she was always very aware of what was going on in their minds and hearts. She truly was involved with them on a personal and emotional level and often helped me identify ways to improve situations or helped the girls learn better ways to respond to their emotions or surroundings in healthy ways.
I can not recommend Danee more, she's the best!
Stacy Grein
Education Sales Consultant at Elsevier Inc.
Danee was recommended to us from a neighbor who had used her services for years. She has always been professional and easy to work with, and quite obviously loves kids. She keeps things easy for them letting them know exactly what is and isn't allowed. Not only does she help the children though, she is a wonderful asset to the parents; always looking for ways to help
simplify and organize life. It's nice to know
that you can find someone who wants to
help. It's not easy and I think we could all
use a little extra help from time to time.
Jennifer McCarren
Owner Freckled Flower Photography & Design