Don't Try To Stick Me In A Needle
"You're a beautiful distraction..." As soon as the words left my mouth, I could hear God speaking to my soul, "and it's over..." Like...

Hemmed In
I don't know about you, but when things don't go the way I planned, I tend to run, or quit, or just avoid. In the past if someone hurt my...

Magic 8 Ball Jesus
I am an Old Testament Geek. I love the stories of the epic battles and how God always come to the rescue of His people. I love how the...

Uncut Stones
The other day I was reading Exodus 20 and again was blown away by the way God made the physical world to speak to our hearts on such a...

Despite Myself
So there are some passages and stories in the Bible that leave me thinking "Really?" There are things my mind wrestles with. I still...

A Beautiful Tension
Several years ago I was reading where God was talking to Moses about destroying the Israelites in the desert but Moses "talked God out of...

When Baby Steps Are Really Tyrannosaurus Rex Sized
The last couple of months, most of my conversations with God have been about something I think He's putting on my heart. It's a big...

When Personal Convictions Get Confused With Biblical Truths
Lately it seems I've had several conversations with friends about the difference between actual Biblical truth and personal convictions....

My Reflection In His Eye...
My best friend has been telling me about a show called Touch. I didn't watch it until a couple days ago because I had enough shows I was...
Faked & Forced
A couple days ago I wrote a post about my heart's wonderings about what heaven would have been like in anticipation of Jesus entering the...