Abstract Concepts
“God is good.” I’ve heard that phrase all of my life and growing up it was a mantra for many people in the church I attended. One...

Not Alone in Our Bent for Self Destruction
Confession time: I have a propensity toward the dark and unhealthy things in this world. When I was younger it was obvious in how I...

When Faith Feels Hard
I don’t know about you, but on any given day I can run the entire gambit of emotions when it comes to my contentment level. “I do...

Enjoying the Ordinary
Everybody’s working for the weekend... Or everybody’s working for a vacation or the next big something. I was never aware of how much...

Irrational Anxiety
**Let me give a small disclaimer, in the particular post I’m just being flat out honest about a personal struggle that has been lingering...

When you're Just Not Feelin It...
Glimpses of contentment: when all is right in my soul and I feel connected to the God of the universe. In my life there have been times...

Going Back To What You Know
I don’t know about you, but there are times when I open my Bible to start reading, and well, it feels more laborious than engaging with...

Not My Story To Tell
I love going to the movies. From the smell of popcorn when you enter the theater to the credits rolling at the end, going to see a movie...

Not Being Brave
Trues confession time: I'm not brave, at least I don't feel like it a lot of the time. That may shock some people who know bits and...

Confusing Piousness for Holiness
Holy- to be set apart for a special purpose Pious- : deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion: falsely appearing to be good...