When My Hearts Needs to Seek
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened...

Saying "I'm Sorry" Too Much
“Stop Apologizing” For years that is something I've felt God speaking to my heart and gently teaching me to do. You see, for some...

What Happened To Ichabod?
In posing this question, I’m not talking about Ichabod Crane, but rather an Ichabod that is not as well known in our culture. In 1...

Grateful for the Tension
“Is this what it takes to make my heart grateful?” I asked God this morning, thinking of all the different moves I've made over the...

Killing My Coping Mechanisms
For the last decade or so God has been taking me on a journey of killing my coping mechanisms. I didn’t realize that’s what He was doing...

Icing The Wrong Muscle
So about fiften years ago I was diagnosed with patellar tendentious. At that time I had an extra 70 pounds of weight and no idea what...

Dealing With Discomfort and Not Numbing It.
So this morning as I was reading and talking to God about somethings going on in my life, I asked if I should fast about it... again. You...

Not Just Treading Water Anymore
When I was around seven years old, I got caught up in the waves at a wave pool and the lifeguard had to come and get me. I’ve always...

My Grumbling Heart
“If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted....

Knowing What Your Soul Needs
“How long do you plan on hiding out?” my best friend asked me a couple days ago. I told her just till I had to go back to work on Tuesday....